Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Team USA Paralympic flag bearer Allison Jones is LGBT and married

Allison Jones carried the flag for Team USA in the Opening Ceremony of the Paralympics in Rio as an out and proud woman. She carries the hopes of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans community with her.
From: OutSports
Allison Jones of the USA rides celebrates her bronze medal at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
Bryn Lennon/Getty Images
Allison Jones, the athlete selected as the flag bearer for Team USA in the 2016 Paralympic Opening Ceremony in Rio, is an out LGBT woman.

Jones is married to her wife, Sara Jarrell, which she proudly displays on her Facebook page. The two were married in 2014, according to her Team USA profile, and live together in Colorado Springs.

This will be Jones' eighth Paralympics, and it may be her last. She has already won eight Paralympic medals, including two golds. In the Winter Paralympic Games she competes as a skier.

"Being able to consider ending my Paralympic career with this honor is just amazing," Jones told U.S. Paralympics. "Only one person gets chosen out of almost 300 hundred athletes on the team. That enough people believed in me, my story and my legacy, it's just a real honor."

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