Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 8th is National Iguana Awareness Day

What’s not to love about an aggressive, cold-blooded, reptile with nasty bite and a powerfully strong tail? Learn all about these cute critters and how to care for them on Iguana Awareness Day.

As with so many pets, not all new owners realize what they are committing to when they first take home their baby iguana. That little bundle of scales could one day grow to six feet in length. With very specific dietary needs and a rather reptilian personality, iguanas are said to be easy to love, but hard to care for.

Iguana Awareness Day is the ideal opportunity to learn about keeping your iguana tame and friendly, how to care for its health and personal grooming, and how to house it comfortably. With the proper care and attention, an iguana can be a wonderful and rewarding pet for many years.

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