Friday, September 2, 2016

September 2nd is National College Colors Day

Founded by the College Licensing Company in 2004, College Colors Day, fans have worn the apparel of their favorite college or university throughout the day. College Colors Day is celebrated by thousands of organizations, classrooms and millions of individuals who don their team colors and share their school spirit with friends and colleagues.

New for 2015, CLC (College Licensing Company) has launched the College Colors Challenge. Giving fans a chance to flaunt their colors and express their school spirit. The challenges revolve around three different categories represented by the hash-tags: #SQUADPIC (large group), #FAMPHOTO (family), and #SELFIE (individual).

Football is one of America’s most passionate sports. A reason why College Colors Day came about is to bring attention to intercollegiate athletics. On this day, people are encouraged to wear their favorite college or university’s colors throughout the day and to get excited. Wear your college colors. Use #CollegeColorsDay to post on social media and spread the word.

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