Tuesday, September 27, 2016

National Voter Registration Day: How To Get Registered—And Get Informed

It's too important not to.
From: NewNowNext
Tuesday, September 27, is National Voter Registration Day, a non-partisan effort to get Americans registered to vote in the November 8 general election.

NVRD sees thousands of volunteers signing voters up at concerts, sporting events, malls and elsewhere (and, of course, online). You can also find out about voter registration in your state here.

In 2008, some six million Americans didn’t vote because they didn’t register in time or didn’t know how to register.

But this year registering couldn’t be easier—now that you can do it on your phone with Hello.Vote.

Just send HELLO to 384-387 via text or Facebook messenger and answer a few simple questions. (It literally look us 12 seconds.)

Even if you don’t care about the presidential election (which, of course, you should), there are many other important campaigns happening, including 34 U.S. Senate races (24 seats are currently held by Republicans, and 10 are held by Democrats.)

There’s also 12 states with gubernatorial elections, including Missouri, Utah, Indiana and North Carolina. (Nine are held by Democrats, three by Republicans).

And that’s not counting races for lieutenant governor, attorney general, city council, judicial seats and more, and various amendments on local ballots.

Of course, registering (and getting to the voting booth) is just the first part—you’ve got to be an informed voter, too.

Find out what races are in your district and where the candidates stand on the issues.

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