Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hate Group Unveils Anti-LGBT Agenda for First 100 Days of a Trump Administration

From: Edge
An official with the anti-LGBT hate group Family Research Council (FRC) gave Christian conservatives a look at the first 100 days of a Trump administration, and it doesn't look good for LGBT or reproductive rights.

Speaking on a panel at last weekend's Value Voters Summit in Washington, DC, Mandi Ancalle, general council for government affairs with FRC, told the audience that the hate group is "working to generate a comprehensive list" for a Trump administration that includes rolling back many of the advances in LGBT rights achieved under President Obama.

On FRC's chopping block is the Department of Housing and Urban Development's guidance assuring that federally funded emergency shelters house transgender people according to the sex with which they identify. Also in danger is President Obama's executive order banning federal contractors from engaging in anti-LGBT discrimination.

Ancalle also said that FRC would push the Trump administration to reinstate a rule instituted by President George W. Bush that provided broad "conscience protections" for health care workers refusing to participate in care for religious reasons. Those "protections" could be used for health care professionals to deny birth control or caring for gay men with HIV. Ancalle noted that the FRC wants to make sure that new regulations allow physicians not to care for transgender patients by providing hormone therapy and other treatment.

The role of FRC's anti-LGBT influence in Republican policy-making can't be under-estimated. In July, FRC's executive director Tony Perkins served on the GOP platform committee at the party's convention in Cleveland. The platform approved at that convention, which advocates for gay conversion therapy has been roundly criticized as the most anti-LGBT platform in the party's history.

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