Sunday, September 18, 2016

Everything We Know About The Explosion In Chelsea, New York City

From: Queerty
An explosive device was detonated in Chelsea, a once predominantly gay and now mixed neighborhood in Manhattan, around 8:30 pm Saturday night off of W 23rd Street, injuring 29 people, shattering nearby windows and prompting major street closures.

Luckily, none of the injuries were life threatening and by Sunday morning, all those taken to the hospital had been released, according to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York in a press conference. Officials also noted that the explosion does not appear to be linked to international terrorism, though Cuomo did say, “A bomb going off is generically a terrorist activity. That’s how we’ll consider it. And that’s how we will prosecute it.”

Witness accounts report the explosion came from a dumpster in front of a a residential building for the blind, at 121 W 23rd, where it is believed a homemade bomb was detonated.

Three hours after the blast, a second device was found at West 27th Street between the Avenue of Americas and Seventh Avenue. It was described as a pressure-cooker device similar to the one used in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.

Police confirmed that this is the second device:

There are currently no suspects as the investigation gets underway. Police are asking anyone with video footage of the events to turn it over to assist them. Police are also seeking eyewitness accounts and tips.

Below, find the recently released surveillance footage taken nearby the explosion:

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