Saturday, September 24, 2016

CNN Posts Bizarro Video Of George Clooney’s Brangelina Reaction, Hasn’t Quite Nailed New Media

From: Queerty
We’re not too sure what happened here.

It begins innocently enough: with plaintive electronic piano plinks.

Superimposed over two stock Getty images of Brad Pitt and George Clooney, we’re treated to some textual exposition:

“Brad Pitt and George Clooney have been friends for years,” we’re informed. “CNN asked Clooney at the UN General Assembly about Brad and Angelina’s divorce.”

Then? We’re shuttled over to the UN, where a CNN reporter — who sounds like he has a peanut butter and banana sandwich in his mouth — has effectively cornered an already-over-it George Clooney.

“Don’t shoot me on this last question, it’s a big story,” begins the reporter, terrifyingly enough. “You’re friends with both of them.”

He then asks Clooney to share his feelings on the Brangelina split; something along the lines of “Your thoughts? Any thoughts? She’s a humanitarian — a whirlwind on Angelina and your friend Brad…something something… divorce.”

And life becomes intensely awkward.

“I feel very sorry,” Clooney says, with an expression usually reserved for that guy at last call. “That’s a sad story and unfortunate for a family. It’s an unfortunate story about a family. I feel very sorry to hear that. That’s the first I’ve heard of it.”

And then it’s over, leaving us with that gray ashy feeling again.


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