Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Trump Campaign Office Opens Across From Pulse Nightclub In Orlando

Meanwhile, the presidential hopeful received backlash for attending "anti-LGBT rallies" in Florida last week.
From: NewNowNext
Donald Trump has used this summer’s horrific massacre in Orlando as an opportunity to insist that he’s a friend to the LGBT community, and now the Republican presidential nominee’s campaign has opened an office across the street from the exact location of the attack.

Last Friday marked the two month anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting, and Trump spent the day giving a speech to conservative Christians just a few miles away from the site with his former opponent, Marco Rubio.

But while Rubio shockingly preached LGBT tolerance at the rally, Trump neglected to bring up LGBT issues at all.

The presidential hopeful received criticism for his decision to attend an evangelical pastors event described as “an anti-LGBT rally” this week as well.

Now, the new location of one of Trump’s campaign offices is seen by many as another slap in the face to both the LGBT and Hispanic communities, as the majority of the 49 killed in the Pulse attack were Hispanic.

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