Thursday, August 25, 2016

Pastor Spends $60K Of Church’s Money To Feed His Addiction To Gay Dating Websites

From: Queerty
Ruh-roh! Someone’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Or, more appropriately, the offering plate.

Pastor Boyd Watson Holder Jr. (pictured) from the Victory Apostolic Church in Kingsport, TN was arrested after officials from the church noticed “between $70,000 and $100,000” had mysteriously vanished from the church’s bank account.

The money disappeared from an account only Holder had access to. When church officials confronted him about it, the pastor barked “It’s none of your business!” before banishing them from the congregation. So they all got together did some sleuthing.

Their findings?

44-year-old Holder blew nearly $60,000 on the gay dating websites Manhunt and Farmers Only, as well as for repairs to his vehicle.

A grand jury indicted Holder for theft and money laundering, both of which are Class B felonies. However, the story gets even juicier. Jurors also heard about a little incident involving Holder that happened months before.

The pastor, who is married, was discovered by police getting it on with another guy in a church van in an empty parking lot in the middle of the day in December 2104.

When officers knocked on the steamy van window, Holder reportedly apologized profusely. Police instructed him not to “have relations in public” again before ordering him and his anonymous male companion off the property.

A trial date has been set for October 24, 2016, and despite his arrest, the church allowed him to return to preach, but without pay.

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