Sunday, August 7, 2016

Ouch-Poor Samir Aït Saïd, French Gymnast

From: Speed o Rex
 French gymnast Samir aït Saïd snapped and broke his leg during a horrifying accident at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro on Saturday, August 6.

 While landing a Vault, his leg snapped at remained at an unnatural angle.  It is unclear whether the surface contributed to the incident.  While being carried to the ambulance, the many first responders dropped the stretcher.  He now appears to be resting comfortably at the hospital, before transport back to France.

Danny Pinheiro Rodrigues hid his eyes in sorrow

We'll keep him in our best thoughts...  

Watch (if you dare, clip is graphic) of the vault that caused the injury below:

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