Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hypnotic And Terrifying Supercut Shows Just How Hypocritical Donald Trump Is

From: Queerty
Donald Trump — Republican presidential nominee and sentient bottle of Orangina — is a hypocrite. This we all knew, but this expertly edited supercut perfectly illuminates the endless contradictions that spiral forth from his mouth every time it falls open.

He’s nothing if not inconsistent. He’s passionately in favor and vehemently against everything that has, or ever will, transpire in the known universe — now, forever, in perpetuity, and at any given moment.

Immigration. Health care. Abortion. He stands in solidarity with every advocate and activist who has ever championed these polarizing hot-button issues. But –and let there be no ambiguity here — he diametrically opposes them as well.

Also, and this is of utmost importance: Hillary Clinton is a fiercely competent political power-horse, and a vapid, incompetent ass who is unfit for Folger’s House, let alone the White House. To be clear, he likes her very much on a personal level, but he utterly despises her, too. On every level. And you should, too.

Watch the full horror below:

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