Friday, August 5, 2016

“Gay Voice” Donald Trump Is Back—And Funnier Than Ever

"I wanted to hit some of those speakers SO hard!"
From: NewNowNext
Back in February we shared a viral video of Donald Trump giving a speech, dubbed with a stereotypically “gay voice.”

Of course, we don’t believe gay men “sound” a certain way—and even if they didn’t it’s not cause for ridicule. But a nice femme lisp is just too perfect an antidote to Trump’s insufferable “tough guy” image.

Well, actor Peter Serafinowicz has done it again: He’s redubbed Trump’s speech from July when the Orange Cheeto bragged about wanting to punch speakers at the DNC.

“I was gonna hit this one guy so hard, his head was gonna spin—he wouldn’t know what happened!”

And his take on Trump’s “I love babies” gaff this week.

Can someone hire Serafinowicz to interpret Trump during the debates? We’re pretty sure that’s the only way we could watch them.

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