Friday, August 12, 2016

Favorite Birthday Boy for August 12th

Andrei Andrei
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 The  images left and below are two of the hottest pics on the net. They have been posted on countless sites, blogs and groups and I am sure have satisfied the fantasies of many. How wonderful to do a bit of research and find they are the beautiful model from Romania, Andrei Andrei. Andrei who turns 33 today is a fascinating guy who besides traveling the world for modeling assignments has also been studying computer technology with a goal to work in that field upon graduation. It was fun reading Andrei's blog (see link below) and find such a warm, fun loving guy. (I have seen his birthday listed as both the 11th and 12th of August, so hope I guessed right, either way Happy Birthday Andrei!) 

Andrei's official site HERE:

Andrei's blog found HERE:

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