Friday, August 19, 2016

Daily Mail’s Casual Homophobia Is Not Going Unnoticed On Twitter

From: Queerty
Daily Mail, how is it possible that we live in a world where Gawker is getting shut down but you are allowed to continue existing?

Some of the Olympics coverage coming out of the newspaper has been homophobic, though it’s your call whether to think of it as thinly-veiled or just out-and-out hostile. There was the time they admonished two hugging swimmers “steady on chaps” and compared it to the manly slaps of another team.

But then, exasperatingly, they showed a heterosexual medal-winning couple kissing with the caption “GOLDEN KISS.” Okay, got it: two men hugging requires steadying, while a straight embrace is a thing of beauty.

Twitter, understandably, is miffed. Although to be fair you can find someone miffed about anything on Twitter.

Daily Mail clears up the issue of ‘acceptable’ Olympic celebrations,” tweeted Alastair Jamieson, and NBC journalist in London. (That was followed by some sub-drama, in which another user stole his tweet, posted it as his own, and got a lot more retweets.)

Who’s responsible for this nonsense? Looks like David Williams and Claire Duffin might share some blame — they’re the reporters who wrote about the kiss. Ollie Gillman wrote about the hug, along with (and we cannot make this up) a writer named Nick Fagge. Oh, okay.

Anyway, thanks Daily Mail, for being providing everyone with an example of casual homophobia. Now everyone else knows what not to do, or so we hope.

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