Saturday, August 27, 2016

Coco Montrese Had A Scandalous Night In Tampa, And There’s A Video To Prove It

Warning: If you’re not caught up on the first episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars season two, this is your formal spoiler alert.
From: Queerty
 RuPaul’s Drag Race is first and foremost a competition show, and unfortunately for Coco Montrese, her chances for the crown ended Thursday night  at the shocking finale of the first episode of All Stars season two. Tim Winfred caught up with Coco to find out how she’s been since her elimination and ask her many unrelated and juicy questions.

Queerty: How are you doing after seeing yourself get eliminated last night?
Coco: Oh gosh [laughs]. Wow. I’m doing good. It’s all a part of life and it’s a learning experience. I’m doing great.

 As RuPaul said when you were eliminated: “You are an All Star” – Why do you think RuPaul chose you to compete again?
RuPaul follows us and he knows what we aspire to be in our careers. I think that’s what he based it on and that’s why he calls us “All Stars.” It’s a really good feeling to be considered an All Star. I’m still smiling to this day. You can still smile through the tears.
If there was one queen you could have added to the All Stars 2 cast, who would you have chosen and why?
Oh gosh. [Pauses] I think Trixie Mattel. She would have been a fun addition and character to add. Her personality is amazing and I think she would have brought a sigh of relief to that room.
When Roxxxy eliminated you, she said she felt like she might lose you as a friend. How has your relationship with her been since then and have you spoken with her?
Of course I’ve spoken with her. I think if I was much younger maybe it would have affected me differently, but I’m older so I cherish my friendships and I don’t give up on them when a decision like that is made. Roxxxy and I have a great friendship.
If you could go back and change your talent show act, would you have showcased something else instead?
I’m at a point in my career where I’ve almost done everything I’ve wanted. I’m ok with taking chances and I don’t think I would have changed it. The only thing is that I wish I had a little bit more time to prepare myself or get my point across in what I was trying to do. It’s a trial and error thing, so I wouldn’t have done that much different. I took a chance. In life, if you don’t take chances or risks, you become stagnant and a one-trick pony doing the same thing.
After you were eliminated and RuPaul revealed that you would have a chance to return for your revenge, what did you mean when you said “I’ve got a lot to give and I’m not holding shit back”?
It was more so a reality check for me then it was directed at a person. When she said “revenge,” I didn’t take is as to take revenge on Roxxxy, I felt like she meant that I get to take revenge on that platform, that stage. A no holds barn, give my all, the best performance I could possibly give if I’m given a second chance. That’s how I took it. Take my revenge out on that stage, not on that queen! [Laughs]
Michelle Visage said some harsh things, and her edit in episode one highlight that. After the show aired last night, you tweeted that Michelle Visage is, pardon my language, a f*cking b*tch.

 It was harsh! I’m going to be honest with you: I’m very, very protective of my younger sisters. You can say anything about me, or my makeup, my performance, but I just felt like she kind of went in on Adore really bad. There’s a vulnerability with young entertainers – I used to be one – so when they’re awful, it’s about how you tell them they were awful that can upset them mentally wherever they are at that point in their lives.

 I also tweeted this morning to Michelle. Make no mistake, I love Michelle. Michelle is like one of those mothers that gives you hard love and you’re like, “God, that freakin’ hurts!” But she does it to make you healthy, make you stronger and make you skin thicker. She does it because out there in the world, those people who don’t like you or care for you aren’t going to be nice to you. Michelle’s intentions are not to be evil or vindictive at all. She is a wonderful person. I just felt like she was a little harsh.
My tweet was just me going to bat for my sister because I know how much it affected her from being in the work room with her. It was me putting my hand in front of my sister to protect her when she was about to walk in front of a car, you know? It was nothing personal against Michelle. I love Michelle.
Alyssa [Edwards] and I will go through that too. She’ll say, “God I hate you right now, Coco… but I fricken’ love you so let’s go have lunch.” That’s all that it was.
I have a fan question from Mimi Imfurst. [Laughs] She wants you to tell me about the video with the pizza and the strippers backstage at the Honey Pot in Tampa.
[Laughs really hard] Oh. My. God! Oh my god. It’s one of those scandal moments when you forget that you’re in the public eye and that everything is recorded and you’re like, “God, I can’t believe that got leaked!” It was just one of those “Oops” moments that’s more than I can tell you about. I’m a Vegas queen, but I guess everything doesn’t stay in Vegas like they say.
I’m going to have to ask Mimi for a copy of that video.
Oh my god! [Laughs] I’m sure it’s floating out there somewhere.
(If you find a copy of the video in question, tweet it to us at @DragaholicNews and @TheTimWinfred.)
You said recently, in a Facebook rant, that you don’t think RuPaul’s Drag Race should be called “reality TV.” Why do you feel that way?
I don’t think it’s reality TV. When you think of reality TV, you think of The Real Housewives and all those types of stories. Those are set in conditions where you’re actually able to see the entire back story of these girls and their everyday lives. That’s what reality TV is to me. RuPaul’s Drag Race is more a look into our school, the University of Drag. When you get accepted into the school, it’s like getting into the Harvard of drag. Not that many get to go. There have only been 100 queens that got that acceptance letter.

Some of those queens, like yourself, are more seasoned and have a long drag background, whereas others have just turned 21 and haven’t been on the drag scene for too long. In that same Facebook rant, you said that the show turns some queens into “microwave” superstars and tears down other queens’ careers. Do you feel like it affected your career in a positive or negative way?
Well, that’s totally up to you, it’s up to the individual. RuPaul gives you a platform and if you don’t know how to handle it then it can tear you down. It can tear your career apart. It’s like taking two children and giving them each a million-dollar inheritance. One kid might take it and invest it, where the other child might blow it on drugs and alcohol. It’s an opportunity thing. It’s what you make of life’s opportunities.
Who are you rooting for to win All Stars season two?
Oh my god, this is such a pageant question. [Laughs] I love all of those girls. I’m a huge Alaska [Thuderfuck] fan and I’ll give a you quick back story. When Alaska and I were on season five together, she was the only one that I did not get. I didn’t understand her drag, but now I’ve grown to love her as I watch her evolve. I’ve become her biggest fan. So I would have to say that I am rooting for Alaska, really.
What’s next for Coco now that you were given this additional exposure?
You know, they always say that you aren’t supposed to be political and that as a drag queen you are supposed to just be an entertainer. Not me. I’m always going to speak out for the community and equality for all people. I’m going to stick up for the transgender community because a lot of my sisters are trans. I’m going to stick up for everybody because I have a platform and I’m going to use it to make my voice heard. It might have a little folly here and there, but it comes with the territory.
Well thank you for taking the time to talk today. I’m looking forward to seeing Coco’s revenge!
Thank you, take care.

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