Saturday, August 6, 2016

Adorable Grandson Gives His “Nan” The Most Amazing Birthday Present

Have your tissues ready before watching this one.
From: NewNowNext
Anyone lucky enough to have grown up with a special grandmother in their lives can definitely appreciate this grandson’s amazing birthday gift to his “nan.”

David Goodings was taking his grandmother, Iris Howard, for a drive on her 86th birthday when he presented her with a gift that brought her to tears.

Goodings flipped through radio stations in the car before settling on a broadcast reporting “breaking news.”

“Iris Howard is celebrating her birthday,” the announcer said. “Commonly known for winning the best nan competition after 10 years in a row, the 86-year-old is often described as an incredible person and loved by all her family.”

What follows is a series of surprise messages from Iris’ loved ones that brought the grandmother — and most viewers — to tears.

Watch the amazing surprise unfold in the video below.

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