Thursday, August 18, 2016

2016 Doodle Fruit Games - Day 12

Today marks the 12th day of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! We’re journeying to an otherwise unassuming fruit stand in Rio where produce from all over the market competes for the title of freshest fruit. To play along, get the latest Google app on Android or iOS, and tap the Doodle. Learn more at and let the games begin!

And now, a report from the field covering Day 12 of the action…

A strong wind has picked up near the diving pool but Plum won’t be pickled. Just look at that sweet form off the diving board! Plum floats back to the surface, steps out of the water...and immediately prunes up! Now that’s what I call fast-drying fiber. A tart ending for the Fruit Games vet, but one heck of a performance.

Keep coming back for all the action from the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games!

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