Monday, July 18, 2016

“What Fran Wore” Instagram Documents Very Important Fashions From “The Nanny”

The flashy girl from Flushing!
From: NewNowNext
What Fran Wore is an Instagram account that chronicles every outfit worn by Fran Fine-played by Fran Drescher-in the hit ’90s sitcom, The Nanny.

A photo posted by Fran Fine Fashion (@whatfranwore) on

The account has only been around for about three months, but it already has over 7,200 followers. Much like the popular Every Outfit on Sex and the City Instagram, it highlights-lovingly-all the ridiculous outfits that Miss Fine wore over The Nanny’s six seasons.

Somehow we don’t think that Fran could’ve afforded these high fashion outfits on a nanny salary, but we love the fantasy of it all!

Get ready to be transported back to the colorful ’90s below:
A photo posted by Fran Fine Fashion (@whatfranwore) on

A photo posted by Fran Fine Fashion (@whatfranwore) on

A photo posted by Fran Fine Fashion (@whatfranwore) on

A photo posted by Fran Fine Fashion (@whatfranwore) on

A photo posted by Fran Fine Fashion (@whatfranwore) on

A photo posted by Fran Fine Fashion (@whatfranwore) on

A photo posted by Fran Fine Fashion (@whatfranwore) on

A photo posted by Fran Fine Fashion (@whatfranwore) on

A photo posted by Fran Fine Fashion (@whatfranwore) on

Watch The Nanny, weekdays on Logo.

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