Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Russia May Be Banned From Summer Olympics

An independent investigation uncovered hundreds of instances of illegal doping.
From: NewNowNext
 The International Olympic Committee has delayed its decision on whether or not to ban Russia from the Summer Games in Rio next month as a penalty for covering up widespread doping among Russian athletes.

After a meeting of the executive board, the IOC said it was seeking legal advice before issuing a blanket ban, as well as a ruling from the CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport).

 An independent commission headed by Dr Richard McLaren looked into allegations of state-sponsored doping by Russian officials. The investigation uncovered 580 positive tests across 30 different sports that were covered up prior to the 2012 Olympic in London and the 2014 Winter Olympics, which Russia hosted.

McLaren added he had “only skimmed the surface” in his 57-day investigation.

The Guardian reports the Committee is hoping to avoid a full ban, though, instead offering individual sporting federations the option to implement individual sanctions.

Given that the games are in just two weeks, such a broad proposal would likely be impossible to implement.

 In a statement the IOC said it had “started disciplinary actions related to the involvement of officials within the Russian ministry of sports and other persons mentioned in the report because of violations of the Olympic Charter and the World Anti-Doping Code.”

Usually there is a presumption of innocence but the committee says each Russian athlete will be examined “based on an individual analysis of his or her international anti‑doping record.”

Disciplinary action has already been taken by individuals named in the scandal, including officials from the Russian sports ministry and hearings are expected.

The IOC also plans to ask all sports federations associated with the Winter Olympics to cancel any events in Russia and seek alternative host cities.

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