Monday, July 4, 2016

“Revised” Version Of HB2 Is Pretty Much Exactly The Same

"This was the lowest of the low hanging fruit."
From: NewNowNext
Since receiving months of backlash from businesses, celebrities and everyday citizens who were outraged by its discrimination against LGBT people, politicians in North Carolina have made some revisions to their controversial House Bill 2.

Unfortunately, they were mostly useless changes that barely made a dent in what desperately needs fixed in order to ensure LGBT people are protected in the state.

The North Carolina General Assembly voted at their yearly legislative session on Friday to restore workers’ right to use state law to sue over employment discrimination.

That change, however, does nothing to protect workers on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and it also neglects to address any of the other issues that turned so many people against the bigoted “bathroom bill.”

“This was the lowest of the low hanging fruit. It does nothing to fix the core discrimination in that law,” said Rep. Grier Martin, D-Wake.

Lawmakers completely ignored the objections that much of the country had regarding HB2’s demand that transgender people use the restrooms that correspond to the sex on their birth certificates, nor did they make changes that would protect LGBT people from discrimination.

The revision now heads to the desk of Gov. Pat McCrory, who recently transferred $500,000 from a disaster relief fund in order to defend the discriminatory law in court.

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