Sunday, July 31, 2016

“Broad City” Duo Transports To 1776 To Celebrate Hillary Clinton

"An 'Herstoric' achievement 240 years in the making."
From: NewNowNext
Hillary Clinton made history this week by becoming the first woman to ever be nominated for the presidency by a major party, and Stephen Colbert only wished that the women who helped build this country could have been here to see it happen.

Luckily, he has his own show, and was able to chat with the women of 1776 via satellite, thanks to help from Broad City’s Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer.

The comedy duo appeared as guests on The Late Show this week, and dressed up as “Abatha and Josephine” for an opening sketch about how the women of 1776 might have reacted to the news of Clinton’s nomination.

“I’m going to celebrate by making a meal for my husband and then cleaning it up immediately,” Jacobson said.

Watch what happens when they find out what year it actually is in the clip below.

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