Friday, July 8, 2016

You Don't Have To be -BLACK- to feel outraged

Like most of American I am appalled over the recent  killings of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, two African American men that it appears were killed and shot by police officers for what appears to be being black and having a gun on their possession.  From what we have learned, so far, neither of these men never made any attempt to pull their guns or otherwise threaten the police officers in question.  The lives of these two men have been cut short, and their families will suffer the loss and pain for the rest of their lives.  I send out all my thoughts and prayers to them all.

Then last night we had the protest in Dallas the turned violent, and and 5 police officers were ambushed and killed.  This is not the answer to solve the problem. To solve the problem we need education and better gun laws.

I get that being a police officer is not an easy job, and when you a dealing with someone that may have a gun on them, adrenaline kicks in, but you cannot allow it to take over and kill someone just because they have a gun on them.  And why does it always seem that it is a black man that is the victim in these cases. Better education on race issues and relations are much need at all levels, both in the police force and in the community at whole.

As for gun control, we really need to look at this issue as to the effect it has on our nation on a whole. It appears that both of these men had legal licenses to carry these guns, and it is their right to do so.  However, why do so many people feel the need to carry on gun on them. We don't live in the Wild West anymore. It is the 21st Century, and we should be past the need to turn to guns to solve our daily issues.

We need to really make changes to our gun laws, to reduce the number of guns that are out on the streets.  The Republicans think the answer is to arm every one and that clearly is not the answer.  The more guns on the street, the more that will die. The more guns on the street will make the police assume that everyone is armed, and will result in more tragic deaths of innocent men. We cannot let this happen it, it is time for serious gun control laws and an overhaul of our Second Amendment.  Our Consultation is not written in stone, and is  document always in work, and needs to be changed and updated to go with current society.
Remember when it was written, it did not apply to women and people of color, can you imagine if that still was the case?

I understand the the police officers in these cases need to be punished, as they should be, but we cannot punish all police officers.  The majority of the them do their jobs, and do them damn well, and are a horrified and upset about these deaths as you and I are.

So today, I ask that you would stop pointing blame at the police or the victims, instead look for ways to unite us all to solve the issues and stop things like this from happening.

Also, you need to make sure your voice is heard, let Congress know that we will not stand for this anymore. We need sensible gun control laws now, not tomorrow. Last of all, please make sure you VOTE, it more important now then ever before, for the good of our country and your own rights and safety.

Most of all remember that ALL LIVES MATTER!

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