Sunday, June 19, 2016

Trump Says LGBT Community Starting To Love Him, Clinton Says “Yeah, No”

"LGBT is starting to like Donald Trump very much lately, I will tell you."
From: NewNowNext
Donald Trump is continuing to insist that the LGBT community supports him in the wake of the Orlando massacre this week, but Hillary Clinton is saying that’s far from the case.

“LGBT is starting to like Donald Trump very much lately, I will tell you,” Trump awkwardly stated at a rally in Texas on Thursday, before declaring that Clinton has accepted donations from countries where anti-gay violence takes place.

“As far as gays are concerned, think of it,” said the Republican presidential hopeful. “They throw gays off buildings. They kill them. Countries that contribute to her foundation. And she should give all that money back to all these countries. It’s tens of millions of dollars.”

Clinton responded to Trump’s remarks with a short video reminding us of all the reasons why Trump is hardly an ally to the community, including his opposition to gay marriage and his plan to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges.

The presumptive Democratic nominee tweeted other messages of support for the LGBT community throughout the week as well.

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