Sunday, June 12, 2016

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick On Gay Nightclub Massacre: “You Reap What You Sow”

"Do not be deceived—God cannot be mocked."
From: NewNowNext
Thousands have been sending their prayers to the victims of the mass shooting at Orlando gay nightclub Pulse last night, but at least one elected official has sent a rather disturbing message.

 This morning, Republican Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick tweeted a card quoting Galatians 6.7.

“Do not be deceived—God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”

Patrick has since deleted the tweet, but not before it received 240 likes and was re-tweeted more than 180 times.

The 66-year-old politician has consistently attacked the LGBT community even before taking office: In February 2014, when a federal court ruled Texas’s marriage ban unconstitutional, he declared his intention to fight the ruling if elected.

He also strongly opposed HERO, Houston’s inclusive civil rights ordinance protecting LGBT people and other classes.

More recently, he’s threatened to push a measure similar to North Carolina’s “bathroom bill” banning trans people from using facilities that match their gender expression.

UPDATE: A spokesperson from Patrick’s office claims the tweet was prescheduled and not a reaction to the shooting: “This was certainly not done with any fore knowledge of the events of the day.”

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