Monday, June 13, 2016

Special Birthday Greeting today to Richard Thomas

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Richard Thomas who played John Boy on The Waltons turns 65 today. Richard, I am sure was the subject of many crushes in the 70's of both girls and guys. I was a bit too young to catch The Waltons during it's first run on TV, but I did catch the repeats with my parents as a child, and I loved John Boy, but must say I had a bit more of a crush on Jim Bob. BuT any guy from the Mountain with tight jeans and suspenders with two first names would have done in a pinch!

 Check out the hilarious Waltons Blooper below, a little John Boy butt, but be warned...there is also a little Will Geer Butt, I repeat Will Geer butt!!!

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