Sunday, June 26, 2016

Rachel Platten Sings “Stand By You” At Trailblazer Honors

The performance was a tribute to the victims of the Pulse nightclub attack.
From: NewNowNext
Last night’s Trailblazer Honors on Logo was an inspiring and emotional evening celebrating pioneers in the LGBT community, as well as paying tribute to the victims of the Orlando massacre.

Pop star Rachel Platten opened the show with her hit song “Stand By You,” as the names and photos of those who tragically lost their lives in the horrific attack were displayed on the screen.

The song was just one of many tributes to the victims throughout the show, including an emotional speech by Harvey Fierstein while he was being honored for his years of artistry and activism.

“As soon as we heard the news, we knew—we knew who took out that gun and shot,” he said. “We knew it wasn’t something to do with Islam. We knew that it was hate, but hate turned inward. Hate so strong, hate that destroyed so completely that his soul was gone and all he could do was cry out.”

“Now you are surrounded with love, now you are surrounded with acceptance,” Fierstein added. “So take advantage of it. Put your arms around each other. Tell each other, ‘I’ll have your back no matter what.’”

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