Saturday, June 11, 2016

Professor Claims Invitation To LGBT Workshop Was Sexual Harassment

Reminder: Never hit "Reply All."
From: NewNowNext
 Kenneth C. Williamson III, a professor at Texas A&M University is accusing the school’s LGBT ally group of “sexual harassment” for sending him an email about an upcoming workshop they were hosting.

According to the university’s website Aggy Allies is made up of “staff, faculty, and students at Texas A&M University who have committed to providing a safe space for GLBT individuals,” but for someone to be considered an ally they must first attend a workshop.

Williamson, a professor in the school’s College of Architecture, received an email about an upcoming workshop, but instead of deleting the message or removing himself from the group’s distribution list, Williamson hit Reply All and wrote: “Do not send me anymore [SIC] messages dealing with this organization. Take me out of your list. I consider it obscene and a form of sexual harassment.”

 User “klaykid123” posted the professor’s email on Reddit with the subject: “I think this Prof hit Reply All on accident…”

But was it an accident?

Williamson’s email sparked some heated responses from other school faculty members:


“Texas A&M has made significant strides towards improving campus climate and equity for its diverse students, faculty, and staff,” said Jeffrey Lieu, president of Aggie Allies. “But there is clearly still a lot more work that needs to be done in these areas.”

Texas A&M was recently No. 13 on The Princeton Review’s list of the nation’s most LGBT-unfriendly colleges, and this latest incident just proves how much groups like Aggy Allies are still needed on college campuses.

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