Thursday, June 30, 2016

London Commuters Slam Homophobe Abusing A Gay Couple On The Tube

"Get off the train...or I'm going to knock you out!"
From: NewNowNext
A new social experiment conducted by YouTuber Julius Dein exposes how average commuters would react in the face of blatant homophobia on the subway.

For the experiment, Dein took to the London tube with his friends Adam and Josh. “They’re going to be a couple, I’m going to be homophobic, and we’re going to test people’s reactions,” he explains at the beginning of the video.

Once they’re on the tube, Dein hurls homophobic abuse at the couple as they hold hands and cuddle.

Fortunately, the reactions from random bystanders are largely positive and in favor of the couple. An impressive majority actually stand up to defend the couple and one man — bless his soul — gets so wound up that he threatens to “knock [Dein] out.”

However one man agrees with Dein, and joins in the homophobic abuse as he ridicules the couple while they’re seated at a bench minding their own business.

“If you’re gonna do that, do it somewhere else,” the man yells at the couple, referring to their hand holding. He turns to Dein and yells, “They got more rights than we have nowadays!”

At the very least, it’s good to know he’s in the minority.

Check it out below:

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