Sunday, June 26, 2016

Keith Urban Dedicates Emotional Performance To Orlando Victims

"They had dreams and hopes, plans, just like every one of us. So I know them like I know you guys."
From: NewNowNext
Keith Urban performed a show in Tampa, Florida just a few days after the terrifying Orlando massacre earlier this month, and used the opportunity to pay tribute to the victims of the attack.

Before ending his concert, the country star spoke to the crowd about his feelings on the tragedy.

“I want to say something that’s been on my heart for the last week,” Urban said. “I know we got a lot of folks here from Orlando tonight. And although I didn’t know anybody in that horrific incident, I did because they’re just guys and girls, brothers, sisters. They had dreams and hopes, plans, just like every one of us. So I know them like I know you guys.”

He then began to play a poignant cover of U2’s “One” that left many in the audience in tears.

Check out his emotional tribute below.

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