Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6th is National Thank God It's Monday Day

As a schoolchild once complained: “Mondays are bad enough, but why do they have to be at the start of the week?” It’s no easier for the workers of the world: on average, we struggle to the office for over 2,000 working Mondays, to see the same glum faces.

But if everyone takes the step together, Thank God It’s Monday Day shows us what working life could be like. A charity bake sale, a team lunch or even a stroll around the block – with no talking business! – can raise morale. Many companies help to organize a trip or a learning day: activity, music and the visual arts all stimulate our minds more than we realize.

The day is often celebrated in early January when, for many, the return from holidays makes spirits slump. Even if you’re not really a high-fives-at-the-breakfast-table family, children and parents can play an equal part. And many teachers, secretly as gloomy as anyone else, will need little encouragement to make “back to school” a special, fun day.

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