Sunday, June 26, 2016

Google Launches Immersive 360 Virtual Pride Parade Experience

"Be who you are. Love who you love."
From: NewNowNext
For those of you who can’t make it to a Pride celebration, whether it’s out of safety concerns or you don’t live anywhere near a Pride parade, Google’s got you covered with their new #Prideforeveryone virtual reality Pride parade.

Using the new YouTube 360 feature or the Google Cardboard headset for Android phones, now even more members of the LGBT population can now experience the celebration first person.

The immersive footage features LGBT Google employees-known as Gayglers-and their allies taking part in Pride parades from around the globe in 25 different countries. You can participate in celebrations like Brussels, Tel Aviv, Sao Paolo and Australia.

“This year we gave it a lot of thought how we bring Pride to people who can’t physically not attend or are not really that comfortable in attending Pride,” Arjan Dijk, Google’s vice president of growth marketing and executive sponsor of Gayglers told USA Today. “We are bringing Pride to millions of people who can march in a virtual way and be part of it all.”

“When you are at Pride, you get this sense of excitement and this sense of a community coming together,” said Dijk. “What we are aiming to do is bring this sense of excitement and this sense of community to people who normally would not be able to get to do that.”

“I do think after Orlando this message is even more relevant, that people should be proud of who they are and who they love and Google as a company fully supports that,” Dijk said. “In light of Orlando, it’s very important that we celebrate life.”

Check out the virtual Pride parade below:

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