Sunday, June 19, 2016

“Golden” Short Film About Growing Up “Different” Spreads Love As It Goes Viral

"You have a place in life, and together we are gonna make sure it’s a safe one."
From: NewNowNext
In the wake of the horrific massacre at gay nightclub Pulse in Orlando last weekend, members of the LGBT community are looking for hope wherever they can find it.

A short film called Golden has been rapidly shared across the internet this week, offering a small glimmer of happiness to anyone who grew up feeling different.

The film follows the story of a boy who was born the color gold from head to toe and who goes through his life always feeling slightly separated from the rest of the world. Eventually, he finds other golden humans and begins to find acceptance.

“In the wake of the tragedy in Orlando, a friend asked me to put my short film, Golden, online so she can share it with some friends,” filmmaker Kai Staenike told Queerty. “If it can spread just a tiny bit of love in these devastating times, the film fulfilled its purpose.”

“Wherever you are and no matter how tough times are right now: You are never alone,” he continued. “You have a place in life and together we are gonna make sure it’s a safe one. Here’s to all streets being safe spaces one day!”

Check out Golden below.

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