Friday, June 3, 2016

“Geometry” | The Naked Body As Art

From: Accidental Bear
 “The photo-art project “Geometry” is an attempt to rid the body of the familiar stereotypes, by opening the possibility of perceiving the naked body as an object of the plastic arts.”

 “The authors of the project Igor Sharoyko (sharoyko_igor), Artem Gerasimov (artigerov) and photographer Ruslan Elquest would like to express their gratitude to Krill Serebrennikov (elquest) and Evgenyi Kulagin – two masters, thanks to whom, during the work done on the play “Muller Machine” (hamletmachine) in the Gogol Center, the conservative and sanctimonious perceptions of the human body were irreversibly deconstructed.”

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