Friday, June 10, 2016

Fergie’s Back And She’s “Hungry”

“You say you the realest , I told you I’m the illest.”
From: NewNowNext
Fergie dropped a teaser trailer on Thursday for a new song called “Hungry (1st Byte),” her first in two years.

The black and white clip has us feeling the cooler vibes of Michael and Janet Jackson’s “Scream,” unlike the colorful bubblegum looks from Fergie’s past videos.

This is the “Glamorous” singer’s first music since her single “L.A. Love (la la)” back in 2014, and it’s been ten years since her debut-and only-album, The Dutchess.

Last month Fergie’s husband, Josh Duhamel, hinted that her new album-reportedly called Double Dutchess-will be released “any minute.”

Fergie is headlining this year’s Dance on the Pier, part of New York’s Pride Weekend, where she will most likely debut some of that new material live.

Watch the video below:

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