Thursday, June 30, 2016

Exes React To Policeman’s Proposal At London Pride

Bitter, party of two? Your table is ready.
From: NewNowNext
In the middle of London Pride last weekend, a police officer got down on one knee to propose to his boyfriend.

Video of the proposal quickly went viral, becoming a symbol of Pride. As the LGBT world gushed, though, the exes of the two fiancés had a different reaction.

Jacob, who used to go out with the man proposed to by the police officer, tweeted about being bombarded by images of the happy couple.

Less than 24 hours later, a man named Matt stepped forward to say he knew exactly how Jacob felt—because the police officer in the photo (Phil) was once his own fiancé.

In an interview with BBC Newsbeat, Matt and Jacob opened up about the awkward situation, while also sending their heartfelt congratulations to their newly-engaged exes.

“When I saw Jacob’s tweet,” began Phil, “I thought it was funny that someone else had their timeline overtaken with videos of their ex’s proposal too.” When asked if he’d reach out to Phil now, he said, “I haven’t spoken to him in a while but am sure I’ll be sending him a congratulatory text.”

For his part, Jacob said he was “really…genuinely happy for Jonathan,” explaining that his tweet was “more just a little quip” as he’d seen the video shared “a thousand times across every channel” of social media.

Check out the video that inspired the hilarious Twitter exchange below.

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