Saturday, June 11, 2016

Belgian Man Asks To Be Euthanized Because He Can’t Cope With Being Gay

"It is a permanent suffering, like being a prisoner in my own body. A constant sense of shame."
A gay man in Belgium is attempting to end his life through the country’s euthanasia laws because he can’t accept his sexuality.

The 39-year-old, who is going by the name Sebastian to protect his identity, would have to get three doctors to agree that he has demonstrated “constant and unbearable physical or mental suffering” in order to be granted a right-to-die by euthanasia.

“My whole life has led me to this, really,” said the man, who admitted that the hardest thing for him is the thought of telling his family. “I have always thought about death. It is a permanent suffering, like being a prisoner in my own body. A constant sense of shame.”

Sebastian was asked if he could change his mind, but said he has given up hope.

“If someone could give me some kind of miracle cure, why not?” he answered. “But for now, I really don’t believe it any more. And I’m too exhausted also, whatever may be out there.”

There is strong public support for Belgium’s euthanasia law, which is used to relieve psychological and physical suffering, and it has become increasingly common since it was first introduced in 2002.

In 2013, a Belgian trans man was killed by legal euthanasia on the grounds of “unbearable psychological suffering” after a botched sex change operation.

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