Sunday, June 26, 2016

Barney Frank Remembers Marching With Hillary In The 2000 NYC Pride Parade

"I encountered one of the most moving, emotional outpourings I've ever seen."
From: NewNowNext
In a video posted to Twitter by Hillary Clinton, former Congressman Barney Frank shares the story of marching in the 2000 NYC Pride Parade with the current presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

Frank reminds us of how significant it was for the First Lady to have marched with the LGBT community — something “a lot of senators and congressmen had been afraid to do until fairly recently.”

“I encountered one of the most moving, emotional outpourings I’ve ever seen,” Frank remembers. “Because here were people who had lived their lives being mocked, being shunned by their own families…And the sight of the First Lady of the United States…marching in a gay Pride Parade. That was an enormously powerful demonstration.”

16 years later, Clinton is still celebrating New York City Pride.

LGBT members of her campaign staff also released a special video in time for Pride this weekend, discussing their belief that Clinton will further equality and inclusion.

Frank seems to agree with those sentiments, and you can check out his memories of Pride in 2000 below.

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