Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Australian Prime Minister Promises National Vote On Marriage Equality By Year’s End

"We have a very clear policy which is that every Australian will get a vote on the subject."
From: NewNowNext
Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has promised to legalize same-sex marriage by the year’s end, if his party is re-elected in the current election cycle.

Turnbull overtook Australia’s homophobic PM Tony Abbott in September 2015. As a longtime supporter of LGBT rights, he became the first sitting Australian leader to attend the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras earlier this year.

“We have a very clear policy which is that every Australian will get a vote on the subject,” Turnbull told reporters this week.

“Of course, if we are successful on July 2, then I have every expectation that the parliament will swiftly legislate for a plebiscite and a plebiscite will be held shortly after parliament resumes, which I would assume to be in August.”

In a strange plot twist, Turnbull’s conservative challenger, opposition leader Bill Shorten, is also interested in legalizing same-sex marriage as quickly as possible.

However Shorten would like to see same-sex marriage legalized by a Parliamentary vote, as a referendum — or plebiscite — could expose the country’s underlying homophobia.

“I do not want this plebiscite unleashing some of the homophobic attitudes which I think poison the debate about marriage equality, full stop,” said Shorten. “We all know this plebiscite is a tawdry, second-best option.”

He added: “In modern Australia, no-one should have to justify their sexuality or their love to anyone else. And instead of sitting in judgment, instead of providing a taxpayer-funded platform for homophobia, we will gift every Australian an equal right in respect of love, nothing less.”

The Australian federal election will take place on July 2, 2016.

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