Monday, June 20, 2016

“Angels” Block Westboro Baptist Protestors At Orlando Funerals

"We couldn't even hear WBC. All you could hear was peace and love."
From: NewNowNext
Members of the Westboro Baptist Church attempted to continue their disgusting protests at the funerals for victims of the Orlando massacre this week, but angels intervened and blocked them from spreading their hate.

Members of Orlando’s Shakespeare Theater attended Saturday’s funeral for victim Christopher Andrew Leinonen, and wore angel wings to block the anti-gay protesters and their bigoted signs.

“Angel wings are meant as a loving support to the fallen, not to create more anger or violence,” said Jim Helsinger, the theater’s artistic director.

Just like the “human chain of love” that we reported on last week, there were already other counter-protesters shielding the victim’s family and friends with rainbow banners and signs reading “OrlandoStrong” on them as they quietly sang “Amazing Grace.”

The angels reportedly then appeared without saying a word, as the crowd erupted in cheers.

The loving act seemed to work, according to one attendee on Facebook who said, “We couldn’t even hear WBC. All you could hear was peace and love.”

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