Thursday, June 9, 2016

7 Ways to Have Safer Sex Even Without a Condom

From: plus
Being Honest

Out of all of the tools in the safer-sex toolbox, honesty is the most effective when it comes to preventing HIV. Whether it is being honest with yourself or with your sexual partners, telling the truth about your HIV status, the date of your last HIV test, or your desire to stay HIV-negative or keep your partner from contracting the virus; honesty can have up to a 100 percent efficacy ratio when used correctly. Honesty is also an essential component to intimacy. So share how you really feel, say no when you want to, and share what turns you on.  It doesn’t matter whether you are a top or a bottom, HIV-positive or HIV-negative, using honesty will allow you to combine other methods of prevention to ensure your safety without taking away from your ability to have a good time in the sack. 

[Editor's note: In the name of honesty, we should add that most of these safer sex options won't prevent other STIs like condoms would.)

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