Wednesday, June 8, 2016

7 Ways to Have Safer Sex Even Without a Condom

From: plus
Treatment as Prevention (TasP)

Treatment as prevention, or TasP, is the best safer sex method for people living with HIV. It takes advantage of the fact that reducing your viral load decreases a poz person’s chances of transmitting HIV. When the virus has been controlled and is no longer detectable in a blood test, you have very little chance of transmitting HIV, even without using a condom. There are numerous reasons for you to get on treatment early and stay compliant with your medication; like that little benefit of keeping you alive and healthy.  Being healthy enough for sex is a great side effect, but adherence to your antiretroviral meds also has an HIV-prevention bonus for your dating life. When you achieve an undetectable viral load through treatment — which, for many people, is just one pill a day now — you reduce your risk of transmitting the virus by 96 percent. But don’t let that four percent risk trip you up. To date, in multiple studies, there has never been a confirmed case of someone with an undetectable viral load transmitting HIV. 

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