Monday, May 30, 2016

The 30 Worst Music Videos Of All Time

From: NewNowNext
 Heidi Montag
 Farrah Abraham
 (it’s a tie!)

What would we do without reality shows? If this is the result maybe we should give it a try. The Hills star Heidi and her husband Spencer Whatsisface allegedly spent $2 million dollars to produce her album, which may be why they only had $1.89 left to make this video, which has Heidi cavorting on the beach. Unfortunately, her spastic movements make it appear that she’s being poked with a cattle prod just out of camera range. Which at least helps distract from the music.

But If Heidi’s entry is bad, at least it somewhat resembles music, which is more than can be said for Teen Mom/porn star Farrah Abraham, whose “Blowin” sounds like random noises thrown together in a blender.

How pathetic is the video? It constantly has to remind us that Farrah is a “New York Times Best-Selling Author. #1 Reality Television Star.”

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