Saturday, May 14, 2016

Teacher Arrested After Sending Grindr Pics To Student

"That's the last thing I thought would happen to our school."
From: NewNowNext
A high school social studies teacher turned himself into police after being caught sending nude photos to students over Grindr.

Bruce Lanctot, a 40-year-old teacher at Nashua High School South in New Hampshire, had allegedly been communicating with several underage boys on Grindr for months before one stepped forward to police.

The victim first opened up to the Division of Children, Youth and Families about the explicit texts and photos he had received from Lanctot. They sent a report to local Nashua police who launched an investigation of their own against the teacher.

Lanctot then turned himself into police this past Wednesday. He faces several charges, including two felonies related to using a computer device to lure minors into sex.

It’s unclear if Lanctot knew the men he was communicating with were in fact underage or even attended his school, which has a large enrollment of over 2,200 students. Regardless, members of the community are upset and surprised by Lanctot’s actions.

“That’s the last thing I thought would happen to our school,” said senior Carlos Flores. “It’s kind of embarrassing.”

Lanctot had been teaching in the district for 15 years and was beloved by many students who found him to be warm and engaging. Since the news broke, school officials placed him on administrative leave.

“He was a great teacher, actually,” senior Isela Flores said. “Nice and friendly.”

Though Lanctot did attempt to arrange meetings with a few of the boys, police are still investigating to see if any of them came to fruition and resulted in sexual contact.

Lanctot has since been released on bail.

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