Sunday, May 8, 2016

Playgirl Wants High School Football Player Who Exposed Himself In Yearbook to Pose Nude

From: Wicked Gay
 A 19 year old named Hunter Osborn thought it would be funny (and it was) to show off his junk right as a group photo of him and his football team was taken for his high school yearbook.

Well apparently someone called the PC police and they now want to charge him with a long list of crimes.

"Nineteen-year-old Hunter Osborn sits at home wearing an electronic monitoring device. The Red Mountain High School Senior admits to exposing himself in this Varsity team football photo. He's been charged with 69 counts of indecent exposure and one count of furnishing harmful items to minors."
"When people told me about it I thought it was a big thing, but when I looked at it like you cant really tell, it's kinda hard to see," said Zach Anthony.

"At first, it was kind of like a joke, but then once we found out the consequences he has to face for this, we all feel really bad for him, and we don't think it's very fair," said Brooke Bodrero."

First of all, I think this is ridiculous and such a waste of police resources. He was just a boy being a goofy boy, plain and simple.

Well, all may not be lost for Hunter as Instinct reports that Playgirl would like to pay the 19 year old to pose nude. I smell tuition money! Should he do it? Yes or no?

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