Saturday, May 14, 2016

Longtime AIDS Activist Peter Staley Calls Hillary Clinton an 'HIV Wonk'

From: kenneth in the (212)
 Longtime HIV/AIDS activist Peter Staley  posted this after taking part in a meeting Hillary Clinton held at her Brooklyn headquarters with 20 leading HIV and AIDS activists -- further bolstering my belief that we don't need someone in the White House we want to be friends with, we need someone who knows their shit: 
We started about an hour late, but she stayed well beyond our budgeted 45 minutes -- over an hour, in the end. A frank exchange. It was a first step in what we all agreed would be an ongoing process with her campaign. No surprise -- she's an HIV wonk.

Human Rights Campaign added:
“It is essential that our next President be an outspoken champion for ending the HIV and AIDS epidemic,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “Secretary Clinton’s meeting today with advocates underscores her commitment to do everything she can to help people living with and affected by HIV, and to work with us to end the epidemic and the continued stigma around HIV.” 
"As a young, Black gay man, I want to underscore the importance of our elected officials truly understanding the unique challenges facing LGBT people, and today’s conversation with Secretary Clinton was a welcome opportunity,” said Noël Gordon Jr., Senior Program Specialist for HIV Prevention and Health Equality at the HRC Foundation.  
"When one in two Black gay men in America will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetime, and where the rate of HIV among transgender women is shockingly high, we must confront the ways stigma and discrimination keep LGBT people from getting tested or treated for HIV. I believe we will have a full partner in our work if Secretary Clinton is in the White House.”

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