Thursday, May 19, 2016

Kentucky Woman Beaten For Looking “Too Masculine” While Bystanders Did Nothing

"He told me that he would 'beat me like the man I want to be.'"
From: NewNowNext
A Kentucky woman was taken to the hospital after being beaten by a man who targeted her for looking “too masculine.”

“A man assaulted me because I look like a ‘dike’ [sic]… He told me that he would ‘beat me like the man I want to be.’” Brittany Nicole Wallace posted on Facebook. “He said, ‘people like me make him hate the world.'”

Wallace says the man punched her in the face repeatedly until she was down on the ground, then “he began to kick me in the stomach, side, and face.”

While the two grappled on the ground, a crowd of bystanders stood by watching.

“The sad part is that no one would come help me either,” she recounts. “Several people stood around and watched this happen to me. Again, I truly believe that if I had a more feminine appearance someone would have helped.”

Wallace says the assault damaged her not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. She promises she will work to “put a stop to this hate and violence.”

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