Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Just Give Nyle DiMarco The “Dancing With The Stars” Trophy Already

Does he even have competition at this point?
From: NewNowNext
Nyle DiMarco completely nailed a perfect pasodoble on Dancing With the Stars Monday night, and brought the judges to tears by dancing for a moment in complete silence.

The deaf Top Model winner has been slaying his DWTS competition this season despite not being able to hear the music.

Speaking with People about the show’s decision to broadcast a silent dance break to show viewers at home what the performance is like from DiMarco’s point of view, his pro dance partner Peta Murgatroyd said it was “something that America needed to see.”

DiMarco added: “A lot of people have labeled me as the deaf guy who can dance, but I think they don’t really understood how it works, the fact that I can’t hear anything at all, and we thought this would be great opportunity to bring silence into the middle of the song. Because I don’t hear anything, and I’ve been dancing well. So it’s nice to give them an insight into my world.”

For his impeccable dance, DiMarco received a score of 29 out of 30.

Check it out below:

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