Saturday, May 14, 2016

Here’s Your First Look At Laverne Cox In “Rocky Horror”

Hot Patootie!
From: NewNowNext
 Laverne Cox hangs up her Orange is the New Black jumpsuit and slips on some heels in the first image from the upcoming remake of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Entertainment Weekly released the pic from the Fox musical that stars Cox as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, the transvestite that Tim Curry made famous in the original film and stage show.

“We were on set and a reporter saw me and said I looked like the love child of Grace Jones and David Bowie. I said ‘That’s exactly right.’ I think we mix up the look more than they did in the original. It’s inspired by the original but it’s really our own take. It’s way more elaborate and couture. [Director] Kenny Ortega had this vision that Frank was at this old theater and found these old burlesque costumes and is, like, using them and wearing them now but has altered them a bit.”

The actress also spoke about how vocal lessons for the musical helped her find her voice as a trans woman:

“When I started training again last year, I started working my chest voice. As a trans woman with a low voice, I had been so afraid of those low tones. This is a character where it’s absolutely appropriate that I sing in the base baritone register that I have. What’s also fun is playing with those higher notes in my register too. This is sort of my professional singing debut. But it’s been wonderful claiming my chest voice. It’s been really healing.”

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is the latest musical to get a Fox remake, after Grease Live! earlier this year. Adam Lambert and Reeve Carney co-star and Curry will make a cameo as the musical’s Narrator.

“I get tweets from people, ‘Please don’t f— up Rocky Horror Picture Show!’” Cox told EW. “I showed my brother pictures of me in character and he was like, ‘You were preparing your whole life for this.’ ”

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