Tuesday, May 31, 2016

#GiveSpockABoyfriend: 5 Same-Sex Relationships We’d Like To See In Summer Blockbusters

Does the Federation have a "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy?
From: NewNowNext
 Even before summer-movie season officially kicked off this month, fans began clamoring to give their favorite blockbuster hero a same-sex love interest.

There were campaigns to give Captain America a boyfriend (We thought Civil War established Cap and Iron Man were exes?) and Jean Grey a girlfriend (Right, because what lesbian doesn’t want a girlfriend who can read her mind?)

 Sadly, neither of those things came to pass. But we still have time to get a gay relationship into a major summer movie. Lets take a look at a few suggestions.

Harley Quinn
 “Suicide Squad”

In the DC comics universe, Harley is openly pansexual—she’s got her longtime hangup on the Joker, but she’s also hooked up Poison Ivy and seems willing to flirt with anything with a heartbeat. Of course, a psychotic assassin with a clown kink might not be the best representation of the LGBT community, but beggars can’t be choosers.

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