Monday, May 23, 2016

George Bush Praises Anti-LGBT Hate Group: ‘Your Work Improves Lives”

"I commend your efforts to recognize the importance of families."
From: NewNowNext
Former President George Bush expressed gratitude for the work being done at a conservative organization classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for its anti-LGBT and anti-choice agenda.

Bush praised the group, the World Congress of Families, in a letter, which he penned after declining their invitation to a conference where they planned to honor him. It reads: “I commend your efforts to recognize the importance of families in building nations. Your work improves many lives and makes the world better.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center would disagree. On their website, they codify the group as a hate group, writing that the “WCF pursues an international anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ agenda, seeking to promote conservative ideologies…that dictate who has rights as ‘family,’ and who doesn’t.”

When the group was first put on the list in 2014, they complained, stating on their website that “Nothing could be further from the truth, as W.C.F. strongly opposes violence and would never advocate violence or hatred toward any group of people, regardless of differences.”

A spokesperson for the Bush camp responded to the controversy in an email to the New York Times, saying that their “knowledge of the group is limited to their work to encourage adoption” and that they’d only sent a letter because the group had “requested it.”

The W.C.F planned to honor Bush for his “pro-life work.” A spokesperson for the Former President claims he was not aware of the award.

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